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tv   NBC Nightly News  NBC  October 19, 2011 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT

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on our broadcast tonight, on the loose. the bizarre scene in ohio. dangerous animals like lions and tige tigers roaming wild. they had to be stopped by police with guns. tonight, the families who were terrorized and what the animals were doing there. tension convention. last night in las vegas, as romney and perry went after each other and it got psonal and physical. a secret weapon for president obama tonight. why his wife, the first lady is suddenly everywhere. and to die for. a restaurant where the house special is an 8,000-calorie
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burger. at that point, why not have fries with that? at that point, why not have fries with that? "nightly news" begins now. captions paid for by nbc-universal television good evening. we begin tonight with a strange and sad story out of ohio. it started with a local man known as something of an eccentric and a criminal who had served time in prison. he kept a wild animal preserve on his property. big exotic animals, the kind we see in zoos, until last night when he released the animals and took his own life. police responding in the dark to protect the families in the area had no choice but to bring down the animals. those still on the loose today were tranquilized, taken away. the 48 dead animals include 18 endangered bengal tigers and there are only about 2,500 in the world. tonight it's mostly the scene of a terrible waste and a rekindled
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debate over private rights versus animal welfare. we have two reports tonight beginning at the scene with nbc's john yang. good evening. >> reporter: good evening, brian. it was a tense and terrifying night. 50 exotic animals roaming the hillsides. not only 18 bengal tigers, but 17 lions. the sheriff said they were big, mature and aggressive. sheriff's deputies pursued them with assault weapons. their orders were simple -- shoot to kill. by the time the sun came up, most of the animals that had escaped from terry thompson's farm were gone. >> one wolf, six black bears, two grizzly bears, nine male lions, eight lionesses, one b babo baboon, and eight tigers. >> reporter: residents were warned. >> stay inside. there might be a lion, tiger or grizzly roaming in your
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neighborhood. >> reporter: thompson, the owner of a 73-acre farm set most of the animals free and took his own life. fred polk saw many animals on his property. >> i seen mountain lions and african lions. i think three bears. one of the bears charged a deputy and the deputy shot it. >> we don't go to the academy and get trained on how to deal with 300-pound bengal tigers. >> reporter: danielle white and her two children live next door. for them it was a terrifying night. >> the gunfire was very close to the house. i almost felt at one point that it may have been right in the backyard. >> that is a bear. >> reporter: today, schools were closed as a precaution amid new questions about the animal's owner. neighbors called thompson eccentric. last month he was released after more than a year in federal prison. six of the animals have been
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taken to the columbus zoo. scores of others had to be killed to protect the community. >> tragedy for the animal world is what it is. it could have been a bigger tragedy for the human world. that's what we tried to avoid here. >> reporter: tonight most of the exotic animals have been returned to thompson's property and buried there. john yang, nbc news, ohio. >> this is stephanie gosk. an animal control officer shot a monkey on the loose last week in st. cloud, florida. this mountain lion attacked and killed a 4-year-old in texas this month. both cases of exotic pets on the loose. >> in the united states today, there are thousands of people who keep exotic animals as pets. globally, the market trade of creatures is a $20 billion a year industry. >> reporter: buying an exotic animal can be as easy as a click of the mouse. one site has up to 600 for sale, but state laws vary widely on regulateing who can own what.
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according to the humane society of the u.s., 12 states ban the private possession of exotic animals. 28 states have restrictions and 12 states have almost none. ohio is one of those states. >> you've got to be nuts to want to keep one of these. >> reporter: a new documentary highlights the sometimes murky business of exotic animal sales. >> i went to auctions and i had to go undercover. i had to go with body guards, too. they didn't allow cameras. >> reporter: scott shoemaker is raising tigers and an african lion. he spent more than $100,000 in caging and fencing for his property. >> some guy lets his out. it's obviously not a caging issue, not a safety issue. the guy obviously had a mental issue. why would i get lumped in with him? we have taken precautions there in being responsible. >> reporter: tonight the
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pressure on ohio governor john kasich to change the law. his office is evaluating a proposed ban that would ve prevented today's incident. >> stephanie gosk and john yang starting us off tonight from zanesville. thanks to you both. now to politics. as we said it was a tension convention in las vegas. a lively debate where the leaders tore into each other and some are calling it a turning point in the gop race for the personal turn it took. our political director, chief white house correspondent chuck todd is in our d.c. newsroom tonight. good evening. >> reporter: good evening, brian. everybody knew at some point rick perry would have to jurp start the campaign. he did and so did other candidates. the result, a debate with romney on the defensive all night long. it's the defining picture of the debate. mitt romney grabbing perry's shoulder in the heat of the exchange. >> you hired illegals in your
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home and you knew about it for a year. and the idea that you stand here before us and talk about that you're strong on immigration is, on its face, the height of hypocrisy. >> reporter: perry was referring to the 2007 boston globe report that romney knowingly used a lawn service that employed undocumented immigrants. this personal attack took romney by surprise. >> i don't think i have ever hired an illegal in my life. i'm looking forward to finding your facts on that. >> i'll tell you what the facts are -- >> rick, again, i'm speaking. >> you had the -- the newspaper. >> reporter: romney took a personal shot using a tone likened to a member of a country club talking down to an unsophisticated nonmember. >> this has been a tough couple of debates for rick and i understand that. so you're going to get testy. [ cheers and applause ] >> i'll tell you what. let me take my time and then you can take your time. >> have at it. >> we hired a lawn company to
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mow our lawn and they had illegal immigrants working there. when that was pointed out to us, we let them go and we said -- >> are you -- >> you have a problem with allowing someone to finish speaking. i would suggest if you want to become president of the united states you have to let people speak. so, first, let me speak. [ cheers and applause ] >> reporter: romney seemed peeved by the shots other candidates took at his massachusetts health care record. >> you don't have credibility when it comes to repealing obamacare. your plan was the basis. >> this was something crafted for massachusetts. it would be wrong to adopt it as a nation. you're shaking your head. >> that's not what you said. >> i tell you what, let me speak. >> you're allowed to change -- >> you had your chance. rick, you had your chance. let me speak. >> reporter: even newt gingrich who tried to play mediator at the debates found himself on the business end of a romney lecture. >> your plan is essentially one more big government
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bureaucratic. >> actually, newt, we got the idea of an individual mandate from you. >> that's not true. >> have you supported an individual mandate? >> i did, against hillarycare. >> you did? >> yes, sir. >> that's what i'm saying. we got the idea from you and the heritage foundation. >> reporter: one candidate who didn't pick a fight with romney is herman cain who leads in the national poll and new surveys in south carolina and florida. cain's support is thanks to two groups who have yet to warm up to romney. >> chuck todd, thanks. we learned today that senior citizens in this country after two years with no cost of living adjustment will see a 3.6% increase in social security payments next year. average increase of $39 a month works out to $467 for the year. unfortunately, some of that increase will end up going toward higher premiums for
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medicare that will be announced next week. overseas we turned to greece where this was a day of rage in that country over what's happening to that country and to everyday citizens who say they are being forced to shoulder the burden of a downward spiralling economy. more than 100,000 people took to the streets today in athens in a nationwide strike that has virtually shut the country down. michelle cabruso-carrera is there. >> reporter: they took to the streets ahead of a crucial vote on austerity measures they have to pass in order to get a loan from the european partners to keep the country on life support. those affected are angry and they showed it today. athens looked like a war zone. protesters by the thousands throwing stones and fire bombs at police. police responding with teargas and muscle. at times it was hand to hand
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combat. a home made bomb aimed at police hit a protester instead. greece is having a nervous break down. the country is at a standstill on strike and out of money after years of living beyond its means. with angry crowds outside, parliament is racing to balance the budget, facing an ultimatum from europe. get your house in order or go under. prime minister george papandreo pleaded for understanding and responsibility. the spending cuts, tax hikes, lay-offs and suspension of collective bargaining are painful and deeply unpopular. >> this is really bad. this is really difficult for a young person to not have dreams. >> there is no future here. >> reporter: greece owes half a trillion to lenders and they can't pay it. a default could cripple the economy of europe and beyond. in fact, tonight the leader of
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france flew to germany to meet with the head of the country to see if they can come up with european-wide solutions to the financial crisis here. the european economy is bigger than the united states and if it suffers a banking crisis, it could hurt an already weak u.s. economy. brian? >> another day of this tomorrow. michelle, thanks. back in this country, the big story in chicago tonight is some big bad sporty weather. a big storm is making news. 60 mile an hour winds, 25-foot waves along lake michigan. weather channel meteorologist mike seidel braving it from outside the adler planetarium. >> reporter: that storm in the ohio valley has become a big wind machine for the windy city getting gusts up to 60 miles per hour a couple miles offshore. we have happened windows blown out of high rise this is afternoon. as the winds pick out, so do the
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waves. look at the bike and running paths shut down on the lakefront. water and spray is now blowing over lakeshore drive. we could see 10 to 15 footers rolling in overnight. the forecast, these wind wills howl overnight through tomorrow morning across the lake. gusts up to 60. later tomorrow the storm slides into canada and weakens. the winds will weaken. by friday, much calmer. along with the cold front attached to the storm, three confirmed tornadoes. this was the damage from the plantation sun rise area in south florida and broward county. 50 homes damaged. winds at 120 miles per hour. it was on the ground and it was an ef-2. in chicago it won't be that windy. for some of the neighbors in higher altitudes tonight it will be a long, noisy and, for some, sleepless night. >> what a miserable night in chicago. thanks, mike. take cover if you can. in los angeles today, a
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dramatic day in the trial of michael jackson's dr. conrad murray. prosecutors called their final witness and showed jurors a video of how propofol is supposed to work in an operating room. they said none of the safe guards that should have been taken when administering propofol were used in jackson's bedroom by murray and that contributed to his delt. up next, as we continue along the way tonight, running mate. she admits she wasn't crazy about campaigning at first. that was then. this is now. and later, the restaurant that's proud to be really bad for your health. but what's this really all about? you know what else is early? medicare open enrollment. now through december 7th. can i stick with my old medicare plan? sure! or find a new plan with better coverage, less cost, or both. medicare plans give you free cancer screenings and wellness visits and 50% off on brand-name prescriptions when you're in the doughnut hole. it's part of the healthcare law. so it's time to look, compare...
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today. he was joined today by the first lady which, we have noticed, is happening a lot lately. our report tonight from nbc's andrea mitchell. >> this is nice. it's good to see you. you're looking good. >> reporter: on a military base in virginia, barack obama's not so secret political weapon. >> how lucky am i to be married to michelle obama? >> reporter: on the white house jobs tour today michelle obama is on message, announcing 25,000 private sector jobs for veterans and military spouses over the next two years. as the campaign gains speed, the first lady is gearing up. >> and i hope that all of you are fired up. >> reporter: she's raising millions and if he sometimes seems aloof, she is anything but. >> i would like to thank all of you for planning such a lovely, intimate evening for the two of us. [ laughter ] >> who knows what will happen? >> michelle obama really brings a warmth, a personal connection,
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a strong womanly human connection that, you know, obama, her husband, just cannot seem to get at. >> reporter: it's a transformation for a political spouse who was at first a reluctant campaigner and spent much of her first white house year focused on her children. >> when barack obama started talking about running for president i wasn't enthusiastic about the idea. >> reporter: that was then. now she's everywhere -- painting houses for military families, fighting childhood obesity. >> three, two, one, go! >> reporter: today, picking pumpkins and, above all, avoiding controversy, focusing on issues with broad appeal. so as the economy takes a toll on her husband's polls, hers remain sky high. >> she's much more comfortable than she was in 2008. >> do you have his back? are you fired up? [ applause ] >> are you ready to go? >> reporter: and michelle obama is just getting started. andrea mitchell, nbc news, washington.
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when we continue here tonight, news for new parents everywhere. and a big change coming for starbucks customers this winter. [ researcher ] as a researcher, i know that healthy gums are a foundation of a healthy smile. that's why there's crest pro-health clinical gum protection. it helps eliminate plaque at the gum line, helping prevent gingivitis. it's even clinically proven to help reverse it in just 4 weeks. crest pro-health clinical gum protection.
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this is a big change since a lot of us raised our kids and this may surprise a lot of parents and grandparents. the strict new guidelines from the american academy of pediatrics are nothing should be allowed in the crib but a sleeping baby. nothing. no blankets, no bumpers, no pillows, no toys, nothing at all. it's also suggested infants sleep in their parents' room so they can see, hear and touch them. one doctor on the task force said babies can roll into anything soft and suffocate against it and can crawl under it. this is all about preventing sudden infant deaths, responsible for 2,300 infant deaths a year. two consumer products in the
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news. first stamps go up in january, another cent to 45 cents to mail a letter. it's been over two years since the last year. that raises over $800 million for the postal service. and starbucks says because 40% of their customers often want a milder coffee, they will bring out so-called blonde roast starting in january made from beans with less pungent flavor. people around the world paused to remember steve jobs today. his formal memorial service was held in california this afternoon. for three hours today, every apple store was temporarily closed to customers so that employees inside could watch a live video stream of the service. newspapers overseas are buzzing with news tonight carla bruni gave birth to a daughter named dahlia which means the french president nicolas sarkozy is a father again. carla had a role in woody allen's latest film.
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this is her second child. up next here tonight, if you're sick of the food police, have we got a restaurant for you. ♪ cheeseburger in paradise [ sniffs ] i have a cold. [ sniffs ] i took dayquil but my nose is still runny. [ male announcer ] truth is, dayquil doesn't treat that. really? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus fights your worst cold symptoms, plus it relieves your runny nose. [ deep breath] awesome. [ male announcer ] yes, it is. that's the cold truth! but for some of us with overactive bladder, our pipes just don't work as well as they should.
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roving food police, a restaurant that serves no diet drinks, makes the fries in pure lard and sells no filter cigarettes. if you can manage to eat the specialty of the house you get to ride to your car in a wheelchair. it's not a new restaurant. just the newest branch just opened in las vegas where, sure, people like to go to gamble, but is this place serious? well, as nbc's george lewis reports tonight, serious as a heart attack. >> reporter: in the middle of sin city, they have turned the deadly sin of gluttony -- >> awesome. >> reporter: -- into a business. >> if you want to be enabled with your junk food binges, come in. >> reporter:itis the heart attack grill. decorated like a hospital with servers known as nurses and the customers referred to as patients. >> doctor's orders. >> reporter: and an owner who calls himself dr. john. >> give the people what they
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want. tell them the truth. that's what we are doing here. >> reporter: what we have here is the heart attack grill's piece de resistance, the quadruple bypass burger, the fries done up in lard and the triple butter fat shake. a total of 8,000 calories. >> for the average person, an 8,000 calorie meal is the equivalent of five days' worth of food. >> reporter: customers who tip the scales at more than 350 pounds eat free. so what if there is an epidemic of obesity in this country? >> if i were to dodge the point that i'm killing people, would i be a very ethical businessman? >> i can eat for free. >> reporter: blair river, a 575-pound spokesman for one of john basso's former restaurants died in march. >> if blair were hovering above me he would say, hey, dr. john, i still love the joke. i love everything you're doing. keep it up.
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>> reporter: in parting he offers a twist on the old sin city slogan. >> the calories eaten in vegas stay in vegas. >> reporter: not really. the pounds you gain at his vegas eatery stay with you. >> i survived! >> reporter: george lewis, nbc news, las vegas. >> cruel story to air at dinner time. that's our broadcast for this wednesday night. thank you for being here with us. i'm brian williams. we hope to see you right back here tomorrow evening. we hope to see you right back here tomorrow evening. good night. -- captions by vitac --


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